Most insurance companies have guidelines regarding limiting or cancelling your auto insurance coverage. It is our job to help you make sure you have the right kind of auto insurance in the event of an accident. However, there are things you can do, or not do, that might cause your insurance to become invalid. These actions are listed in your auto insurance policy. We suggest you take a few minutes to review your policy.
Actions That May Invalidate Your Auto Insurance
- You forget to notify the insurance company of material changes. This could include an address change, the purchase of a new vehicle, or a new driver in the household. In some cases, there is a 30 day grace period, but call our office as soon as possible with any change.
- The information you provided in the application process was intentionally misrepresented. If you intentionally gave the wrong name, address, or other material information, the insurer could cancel your coverage. Always provide accurate information to the insurance company and to us.
- You had a DUI or some other major event that may cause you to lose your license.
- You forget to pay your premiums. Many people are on a monthly payment plan. If you miss a payment the insurance company might cancel your coverage.
- You use your car for a ride sharing business or some other commercial use. Your personal insurance policy will not cover you for any business activity including ride sharing.
How to Get the Best Rates on Auto Insurance
Getting the best rate on your auto insurance can be as easy as calling our office. While we will market your auto insurance with many different insurers, there are things you can do to help yourself get better auto rates and the lowest auto insurance premiums possible.
Remember, with auto insurance it is not only about getting the lowest rates or premiums, it is also about getting the best auto insurance coverage that fits your needs and lifestyle. We can design an auto insurance program that is designed to fit your lifestyle and be very competitive. Here are a few ideas on how to do just that.
- Keep in mind, online auto insurance companies may not offer the kind of coverage you need.
- Get more than one quote. We search the auto insurance market and bring to you the best deals--not just one quote.
- Understand the differences between the many different auto insurance companies. We know that some auto insurance companies prefer older drivers, or that some have competitive rates on motorcycle insurance.
- Always check for the many special discounts offered by auto insurance companies. These can include:
- Paperless polices.
- Combining home and auto insurance discounts.
- Good student discounts for teen drivers with good grades.
- Safe driver discounts.
- Discounts for paying premiums in advance.
- Have auto theft or other safety features installed on your vehicle.
- Obtain membership in certain associations or affiliate organizations.
Other Things to Consider
- Evaluate your auto deductibles. It may be advantageous to increase your auto deductible on older vehicles. We can review this for you and offer suggestions to reduce your premiums.
- If your driving is limited, you may be able to receive low mileage discounts. We can help you understand how this works.
- Always pay your auto insurance bill on time.
- Do not allow your auto insurance coverage to lapse. Lapses in coverage can cause your premiums to increase.
- Make sure you contact us well before your auto insurance coverage expires. We can then have time to search the market and bring back to you the best possible combination of coverage, price, and services.
- Consider the auto insurer’s service rating. Do they pay claims on time? Are they easy to work with? Do they have the experience to manage your personal insurance program?
- If you are buying a new car, consider a car that has a higher safety rating. Also, consider what safety features are offered on each car.
- If possible, park your car in your garage.
- Be careful when considering unique coverage like full car replacement, roadside coverage, and rental car coverage. These can add hundreds of dollars to your auto insurance coverage.
- Some insurers offer “pay as you go” coverage. If you are a safe driver and drive low miles, or if you drive less than 10,000 miles per year this coverage might be an option.
We are always willing to help you better understand your personal auto insurance, so please call our office with any questions. Our team is ready to help you find the best combination of coverage, price, and service. All you need to do to is call our office and allow us to go to work for you. We have access to many competitive auto insurance companies and know which ones would be a good fit for you.